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Norwegian NSDI registers

The registers contain technical and formal documentation used in the Norwegian Spatial Data Infrastructure. The documentation can be viewed in the registers modules of the geoportal, and are also available through APIs.

Document registers

Norwegian NSDI register of spatial data product fact sheets

Norwegian NSDI register of data product specification documents

Registret inneholder filer av ulike typer.

Status and reporting

The coverage map shows which datasets in the public map of the map are covered by the various municipalities.

The table displays datasets confirmed to be part of the municipalitys approved data for public administration.

The table gives an overview of performance and quality of deliverables from the different Norwegian public organisations delivering data according to the Norwegian Planning and Building Act. The law defines a broad set of data suitable for processes on land use planning, building permits, environmental assessments, risk assessments etc. The Norwegian Mapping Agency has the duty to assess these data sets.

The register provides an overview of data collected through the projects; Mareano and "Marine base map". The overview shows the status of various datasets' fulfillment of the FAIR principles as well as other requirements from the national geographical infrastructure

The table gives an overview of performance and quality of deliverables from the different Norwegian public organisations delivering Inspire data. The icons show level of conformity for the different requirements and recommendations according to the EU Inspire directive and underlying regulations. Validation is done mostly by automated tests.

Register of change notifications for services registered in Geonorge.

Contains info and links to systems for collecting Geodata

Symbols and cartography

Norwegian NSDI register of cartography definitions – SLD and other formats

Norwegian NSDI register of pictograms and symbols used in cartography

Norwegian NSDI register of cartography documents (PDF format)

Code lists

Norwegian NSDI register of code lists for spatial data

Norwegian NSDI register of code lists for metadata

Norwegian NSDI register of organisations

Norwegian NSDI register of coordinate reference systems, EPSG-codes

Norwegian NSDI register of national SOSI code lists

Data models and standards

Norwegian NSDI Feature Catalogue with UML-models and definitions

Norwegian NSDI register of GML application schemas

Norwegian NSDI register of standards and accompanying guidance documents

Her finner du alle standarder under SOSI paraplyen, inkludert standarder for geografisk informasjon

Documents that govern the implementation of solutions in the geographical infrastructure

Norwegian NSDI register of name space for spatial data

Registeret inneholder konteksttekster som sier noe om hvordan en skal forholde seg hvis tiltak kommer i konflikt med ulike typer temadata.