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DOK-Status - official data layers of the NSDI

The table gives an overview of performance and quality of deliverables from the different Norwegian public organisations delivering data according to the Norwegian Planning and Building Act. The law defines a broad set of data suitable for processes on land use planning, building permits, environmental assessments, risk assessments etc. The Norwegian Mapping Agency has the duty to assess these data sets.

Updated: 07/10/2024

The table shows the suitability of data for various tasks under the Planning and Building Act. It is important to note that datasets are suitable for some tasks and not for other tasks. The situation will be different in different parts of countries, between cities and countries, and there will often be another suitability assessment in areas where there is good and up-to-date planning basis. The overview does not represent a facet but gives a national average picture. The values ​​do not represent the situation in any municipality - local conditions and their own categorizations must therefore be done if a selection of data is to be included in case tools or DOK area analyzes. The values ​​in this table should therefore only be used as a process basis for own assessments.

The following categories are given - there are sliding transitions between the categories: 0 not suitable, 1 poorly suited, 2 somewhat suitable, 3 suitable, 4 well-suited, 5 very suitable.

Method is based on interviews of planners and GIS people from municipalities, county agencies, etc. Some assessments have also been made by consultants. Various people who work professionally with issues related to construction matters, municipal planning, regional planning work, etc. are consulted. Method is documented in report from 2017, see national DOK page. Minor adjustments and additions have been made prior to publication. Audits will be ongoing, in conjunction with improvement of coverage, data quality and knowledge of use.

Theme Title Regional plan Municipal plan community Municipal-plan land use part Zoning plan Building Matters KU for pbl plans ROS for pbl-plans
Landbruk FKB-AR5
Basis geodata FKB-Arealbruk
Basis geodata FKB-Bane
Basis geodata FKB-Bygning
Basis geodata FKB-BygnAnlegg
Basis geodata FKB-Høydekurve
Basis geodata FKB-Ledning
Basis geodata FKB-Lufthavn
Basis geodata FKB-Tiltak
Basis geodata FKB-Naturinfo
Basis geodata FKB-TraktorvegSti
Basis geodata FKB-Vann
Basis geodata FKB-Veg
Basis geodata N20 Bygning
Basis geodata N20 Kartdata
Basis geodata N5 Kartdata
Basis geodata N5 Presentasjonsdata
Basis geodata N5 Raster