Norwegian NSDI register of code lists for metadata
Distributed computing platforms on which the operation has been implemented
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Protocol to be used for accessing geographical data.
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Varseltyper for endringer i datasettleveranser
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Code list: scope to which the metadata applies (From ISO19115: MD_ScopeCode)
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
High-level geographic data thematic classification to assist in the grouping and search of available geographic data sets . From ISO19115
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Tiles, layers, geographic areas, etc., in which data is available
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Frequency with which modifications and deletions are made to the data after it is first produced
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Status for datasett/tjeneste, oversikt over tilstand og grad av oppdatering for datasett/tjenesten. Hentet fra ISO19115: MD_ProgressCode
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Name of the handling restrictions on the resource. From ISO19115: MD_ClassificationCode
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Service and maintainance announcements
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Service and maintainance announcements
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Full name of the character coding standard used for the metadata set. From ISO19115: MD_CharacterSetCode
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Selected formats for distributions through Geonorge.
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Access restrictions provided by EU (Inspire) with Norwegian definitions
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
List of 34 spatial data themes set out in the INSPIRE Directive.
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Overall categorization of spatial data in Norway. Used in Norwegian metadata.
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Method used to represent geographic information in the dataset
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Liste over administrative nøkkelord som angir forpliktelser knyttet til dataset og hvordan metadata vil videredistribueres. Brukes i reservert nøkkelordliste i metadataene
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Limitation(s) placed upon the access or use of the data. From ISO19115
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Classification of different types of dataset series
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Indication of the level of service availability and response time
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value
Possible grid formats that can be registered for national metadata in the Spatial Data Infrastructure. The code list is used in the element "MD_Format" which according to ISO19115 is of type CharacterString
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Code value