Search register

Mareano Status Register

The register provides an overview of data collected through the projects; Mareano and "Marine base map". The overview shows the status of various datasets' fulfillment of the FAIR principles as well as other requirements from the national geographical infrastructure

Updated: 23/06/2021

Harmonized data

Good Satisfactory Useable Bad Delivery status is not set
20 8 0 0 0
17 7 2 2 0
20 4 2 2 0
25 1 2 0 0
28 0 0 0
24 0 4 0
23 0 5 0
24 0 4 0
15 6 2 5
15 6 2 5
12 7 9 0
26 0 0 2
23 0 5 0
0 0 0 0