Hard-bottom coral garden distribution model

Definition: Hard-bottom coral garden distribution model. This raster dataset represents density of megafaunal (coral) taxa Paragorgia arborea and Primnoa resedaeformis. Units are numbers of colonies per 100 m2 (n/100m2). When occurring at high density these taxa combined are assumed to indicate the presence of so-called “hard-bottom coral gardens”. These are a clear type of “Coral gardens” (sensu OSPAR 2010) occurring on hard substrata and characterized by Alcyonacean corals, with other types of corals potentially co-occurring with them. Coral gardens are typically tagged as a Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem (VME).

Updated: 19.02.2025
Owner: Institute of Marine Research


Datasettet kan brukes som et verktøy for marin areal- og miljøplanlegging, sårbarhetsanalyser, habitatskartlegging og i forbindelse med installasjoner på havbunnen og aktiviteter som kan ha påvirkning på havbunnen.

Explanation of assessment of FAIR principles:

There have made various tests to evaluate datasets in relation to the FAIR criteria. These are our interpretations, which then assess the criteria in relation to standards and protocols used for spatial data in Norway and Europe. For more information on which calculations we use for each indicator, look at the details of FAIR assessments for each specific dataset.

FAIR-status: 90%

Mareano status