Gorgonian corals - Radicipes

Definition: The data set shows occurrences of Gorgonian corals of the species Radicipes gracilis observed on the MAREANO cruises. Radicipes gracilis is one of the most common species of Gorgonian corals that form soft bottom coral gardens. The data set is shown as point data of individual occurrences based on visual observations along the video transect where MAREANO has collected video material. The data set is not comprehensive. The degree of coverage depends on the mapping effort that has been put into the different areas.

Updated: 13.09.2024
Owner: Institute of Marine Research


The data set shows the habitats of the Gorgonian coral Radicipes gracilis that should be taken into account in connection with the planning of activities that may lead to disturbance of the habitats of horn corals. The data set can be used as a tool for marine spatial and environmental planning, vulnerability analyses, habitat mapping and in connection with installations on the seabed and activities that may have an impact on the seabed. Furthermore, the data set can be used as a basis for decision-making when assessing new farming licenses, discharges into the sea, disposal, development of petroleum-related installations, and regulation of fishing activity.

Explanation of assessment of FAIR principles:

There have made various tests to evaluate datasets in relation to the FAIR criteria. These are our interpretations, which then assess the criteria in relation to standards and protocols used for spatial data in Norway and Europe. For more information on which calculations we use for each indicator, look at the details of FAIR assessments for each specific dataset.

FAIR-status: 80%

Mareano status