Depth data - coverage

Definition: (**The dataset is under production and downloadable files are not available yet**.) The data set shows the coverage of bathymetric mapped areas in the Norwegian coastal and sea areas.

Updated: 03.11.2024
Owner: Norwegian Mapping Authority


The data set can be used to get a rough overview of available data, when planning activities in an area. Modern data has been collected using multi-beam echo sounders, while older data using single beam echo sounders or other older equipment.

Explanation of assessment of FAIR principles:

There have made various tests to evaluate datasets in relation to the FAIR criteria. These are our interpretations, which then assess the criteria in relation to standards and protocols used for spatial data in Norway and Europe. For more information on which calculations we use for each indicator, look at the details of FAIR assessments for each specific dataset.

FAIR-status: 48%

Mareano status