Biomangfold - Arter - ti på topp (pr stasjon)
Definition: Biomangfold - Arter - ti på topp, per stasjon.
Owner: Institute of Marine Research
Definition: Biomangfold - Arter - ti på topp, per stasjon.
Klikkbare georefererte pdf-filer som viser ”Topp-ti-dominante arter per redskap” som kumulativ antall individ i prosent og kumulativ våtvekt i prosent.
There have made various tests to evaluate datasets in relation to the FAIR criteria. These are our interpretations, which then assess the criteria in relation to standards and protocols used for spatial data in Norway and Europe. For more information on which calculations we use for each indicator, look at the details of FAIR assessments for each specific dataset.
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Good (over 90%): The dataset adheres to the FAIR principles in a good way. You must do qualitative research yourself to assess any measures to further improve conditions regarding re-use.
Satisfactory (75-90%): The dataset meets many of the FAIR principles, but should be improved in several areas to ensure reuse.
Needs improvement (50-75%): The dataset meets a few of the FAIR principles in a good way, and needs to be improved in several areas.
Poor (less than 50%): The dataset has major shortcomings in terms of meeting FAIR principles and needs to be improved in many areas
Findable: Metadata and data should be easy to find for both humans and computers. Machine-readable metadata are essential for automatic discovery of datasets and services
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Accessible: Datasets must be accessible through standardized and open interfaces.
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Interoperabel: The data usually need to be integrated with other data. In addition, the data need to interoperate with applications or workflows for analysis, storage, and processing.
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Reusable: The ultimate goal of FAIR is to optimise the reuse of data. To achieve this, metadata and data should be well-described so that they can be replicated and/or combined in different settings.
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For metadata quality to be good, metadata must be validated in Geonorge's metadata editor. This means that all required fields must be filled in. Otherwise, metadata is considered as usable if they exists.
In order to achieve good fulfilment of requirements, the metadata should link to an approved SOSI Data Product Specification for the dataset. Other referenced data product specifications may provide usable fulfilment of requirements. Otherwise, status will be deficient .
In order to achieve good fulfilment of requirements, downloadable SOSI files must validate against the UML model in the Data Product Specification. It will be clear from the metadata whether SOSI files conform to the data product specification. If there are downloadable SOSI files, then it will qualify for usable fulfilment of requirements. Otherwise, status will be deficient .
In order to achieve good fulfilment of requirements, downloadable GML files must validate against UML model in the Data Product Specification. (It will be clear from the metadata whether GML files comply with the data product specification.) If there are downloadable GML files, then it will qualify for usable fulfilment of requirements. Otherwise, status will be deficient .
In order to achieve good fulfilment of requirements, the service must be linked to WMS service in metadata. Otherwise, status will be deficient .
In order to achieve good fulfilment of requirements, the service must be linked to WFS service in metadata. Otherwise, status will be deficient .
In order to achieve good fulfilment of requirements, the dataset must be available through an atomic feed service registered in Geonorge. Otherwise, status will be deficient .
If the dataset is provided through an atom feed or a WFS where requirements are well met, this will qualify for good fulfilment of requirements. If the dataset is only available as WFS with usable fulfilment of requirements, this qualifies for the grade usable . Otherwise, status will be deficient .