Aquaculture locations
Definition: The Aquaculture locations dataset shows the approximate centre point of all aquaculture locations in Norway. It includes information on the licence status, as well as fish species, production type, capacity and purpose. Boundaries representing sea areas where permits have been granted to pursue aquaculture activities are also shown. The areas are drawn on the basis of the registered outer points of the locations recorded in the Aquaculture register of the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries. Fish and shellfish are not always to be found at the locations: this can be checked by looking at Biomass – yes/no. Biomass – yes/no is based on reports showing information from the locations on the last day of every month. There is also information on discontinued sites. Permission has been given for aquaculture activities at the locations at one time, but this permission has since been withdrawn and aquaculture activity is currently not approved. This is indicated with the status "TT" (withdrawn) and the date the license status changed.
Submitter: Norwegian Mapping Authority
Owner: Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries