AR50 (Land Resource Map 1:50 000)

Status: Submitted

Definition: The national land resource database (AR) classifies the land cover of mainland Norway according to its suitability for agriculture and natural plant production. National land resource datasets are available at scale 1:5.000 (AR5), 1:50.000 (AR50) and 1:250.000 (AR250). \\n AR50 is the Norwegian medium resolution land resource dataset which covers the whole of mainland Norway. It is build and maintained for cartographic representations at regional level (1:100.000 to 1:300.000). The dataset is not intended for spatial analysis. \\nFeatures in AR50 are continuous areas representated as polygons with attributes assigned according to the AR50 classification criteria. The primary level of classification is land type (arealtype) based on a combination of land cover and land useSecond level attributes are forest site quality class (skogbonitet) and forest cover type (treslag). Areas above the tree line, mountains and other open areas have been classified according to richness of the vegetation. AR50 contain also includes information about arable land when the land cover is bare land, marsh or forest. \\nIn AR50, the general minimum mapping unit is 1.5 hectares for polygons that have identical combinations of attribute values. Smaller mapping units occur between identical land types if they have different forest cover or forest site quality.

Updated: 12.12.2024
Submitter: Norwegian Mapping Authority
Owner: Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research


The dataset is primarily intended as a visual product for use in conjunction with land use planning, public management, agriculture and forestry. The dataset is not suitable for geometric analysis or area statistics in areas below the tree line. For this purpose, please use AR5. Note that AR5 is not available for download without an agreement with NIBIO who represents the agricultural partners in the National Spatial Data Infrastructure - “Norway Digital”.

Theme: Base maps

In scope of Inspire Directive: No

DOK according to KMD-definitions: No

In scope of Norway digital agreement: Yes

Land-use plans subject to law (PBL): No

In scope of the Geodata Act: No

Mareano: No

Ecological Base Map: No

Modellbaserte vegprosjekter: Yes


DOK-status: Proposal

DOK-status date approved:

Updated: 12/12/2024 4:37:57 AM

Geodatalov status

Product spesification
SOSI requirement status
GML requirement status
WMS status
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ATOM feed status
Nedlastingskrav status